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Photograph of Daphne Hall, Member of the Social Security Advisory Committee

Daphne Hall

Daphne Hall was appointed to the Social Security Advisory Committee in January 2024.

Daphne is an editor at rightsnet - a social welfare law website providing daily news and case law updates as well as hosting a discussion forum for advisers across the UK. She is also the Vice Chair of the National Association of Welfare Rights Advisers.

Previously, Daphne spent 25 years working as a frontline adviser for Bristol City Council, Springfield Psychiatric Hospital and Citizens Advice. For many years, she was also a contributing author to Child Poverty Action Group's Welfare Benefits and Tax Credits Handbook, and to Disability Rights UK's Disability Rights Handbook.

My first impressions of SSAC by 'benefits nerd' Daphne Hall

Photograph of Daphne Hall, Member of the Social Security Advisory Committee

A bit of a benefits nerd, I’ve been in welfare rights pretty much all my working life. I started as an adviser - first at Citizens Advice in London, moving on to Springfield psychiatric hospital and then Bristol City Council …